martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

In class we saw a video about the Light bulb Conspiracy. Today we live in a society where we do not create things because we need them but because we want new things. Since 1920 we live in a world with planned obsolescence, companies create products that are design to last a certain amount of time, in order for companies to sell more, even though the product may have a larger useful life. 

Things just are design not to work after a certain period of time so people will have to buy new products.
Physicist design lightbulbs that can last thousands of hours but they are forced to design products that are not the best quality. A lightbulb that could last one hundred thousand hours was created but it never reach the market. In 1929 machines started replacing people, the United States entered into a Great Depression, the only way to recover was to make people go shopping or start consuming. 
We live in a world were there is a lot of ambition and people always want to have newer and better stuff, not even caring if things do still work.

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